Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Breaking The Slump Baseball - 934 Words

â€Å"Baseball is America’s pastime, and that record is absolutely huge in the States.† This quote by tennis player Pete Sampras defines the reason Charles Alexander wrote the book Breaking the Slump: Baseball in the Great Depression Era. Alexander has complied a book about what baseball was like during the years when America lived in a time of great poverty and economic troubles. Alexander writes with the aim of writing a chronology of baseball and how it the happenings of the world influenced this sport. Baseball has had a great following and Alexander explains the National pastime in a way that feels like you are right there during the season. Alexander’s style, source base, and focus makes this book a great history of the time. He does miss a few things that weakens his argument that baseball remained strong during the crumbling thirties. Charles Alexander is a historian and a professor of history. He is from the Ohio area. Alexander was first recognized as a n author when he complied his history of Ty Cobb. The book got many recognitions and helped give Alexander a following. It also gave him the tools for researching and compiling this book. Alexander was a professor of history at Ohio University. Alexander can be considered a credible author and one that can be looked at and analyzed well. Breaking the Slump captures your attention by talking about baseball season by season during the 1930’s. Alexander writes a historical progression that goes from the early thirtiesShow MoreRelatedPerformance Enhancing Drugs Sports Today1476 Words   |  6 Pagesprevent muscle breakdown and increase testosterone to an unnatural level . Steroid abusers often have 100x more testosterone in their body then what is naturally made. Although steroid abusers often see performance enhancing drugs as a way out of a slump or a way to easily beat their opponent, they soon realize the cold, painful truth. 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Monday, December 23, 2019

My Life Of My Mother - 949 Words

(revised) This story is about my mother. Her name is Nita. As much as i like her i like her name too. If there is reason that i do not like her that would be she name me kunjan. Love and mom both are same words for me. She guides me in good ways every single day. She cares smallest things that related me and she always worry about me and my older brother TAPAN. Everyone in the world has someone who means alot to them. For me the most important person of my life is my mom. When we were in india my dad and my mom both were working seven days. As i was child i was always thinking that why they are working a lot. Besides working, my parents were also taking care for my every single things.I am realising now that after working eight hours and still she had to make food for her kids had been very tough for her. But i never seen her making my choice food every time without smile. At that time i thought that making food and working that is her job and she has to do. As i was growing fast my demands were growing fast too. When i came in high school i asked her to buy me a new cellphone and new motorcycle.After a long fight She bought me both things and again i thought that this is her job to buy me whatever i want.I can say today that wasn’t her job that she bought me everything that was just her love to me. After high school i moved out to another city for college. She guided me to choose right path in college. I decided to go in engineeringShow MoreRelatedMy Life With My Mother887 Words   |  4 Pagesamounts of separation from my mother, even thou now I can look back and see if was just more then I was use to. Once into high school the separation grew larger, as I got older, her time for her boyfriends grew larger and I was left alone. I experienced a large disconnect with my mother, in which I spent more time living with my friends parents then I did my own. Also going back to throughout my junior high years a medical condition for numerous years that had g one undiagnosed and it created largeRead MoreMy Mother : My Life964 Words   |  4 PagesMy mother comes to visit me. My parents live in Tokyo and I donï ¿ ½t see them very often. They are responsible for getting me into the treatment center. I havenï ¿ ½t always liked them, and I have hurt them over and over and over through the course of my life, but they have always loved me. I am lucky to have them. My mother sees my apartment, laughs. She asks me where I sleep, where I sit, I tell her the floor. She shakes her head and says not good, James, not good. She calls someone in Michigan, whichRead MoreMy Life Of My Mother1104 Words   |  5 PagesWhen I was 5 I realized I would always have a temporary home, moving from place to place. My mother was always heavily induced with drugs and alcohol, never knowing my dad, unfortunately, I felt as if I was one big mistake on this earth. I watched my mother go from guy to guy, then one day she met Scott who told her everything she wanted to hear. One morning I watched mother slip on a long white flowy dress, dab some perfume on her neck that smelt like the daises I picked as a child, and we wereRead MoreMy Life Of My Mother Essay1255 Words   |  6 Pagesphrase I remembered clearly when my mother would be brutally honest to her customers. She has been a waitress for a little more than twenty years and believed that people should stand up fo r themselves if another person attempts to take advantage of you. My mother has always been the type to get a gang of friends and beat them up if they hurt someone important to her. Furthermore, she took pride in working three jobs to keep the family afloat without the assistance of my father and being the first andRead MoreMy Life Of My Mother Essay1951 Words   |  8 Pagesknew my mother was upset. As we were driving I asked â€Å"where is Jada and Joe† (my two younger siblings), but no response. For the life of me, I could not understand why she seemed so annoyed with me that day, but I shrugged it off as usual. When we arrived my mother was still silent, as we waited in the lobby. Two Caucasian women approached my mother, and the younger women asked me could I walk with her. Being sixteen at the time, all I could think about is getting home so I could check my MySpaceRead MoreMy Life With My Mother Essay976 Words   |  4 Pagessporting a snow-white lab coat with a blue collared shirt exclaims to my mother, â€Å"congratulations a beautiful baby boy.† I had a brother now, someone I could spend time with, someone to bond with. I sat next to my father as my mother corralled the newly born child within her arms. â€Å"What’s his name?† I enthusiastically asked my father. My dad pronounced, â€Å"his name is Joey, and he is your new baby brother.† For nine months I watched my mother’s abdomen gradually increase in diameter. I was seven yearsRead MoreMy Life With My Mother1634 Words   |  7 PagesGoing to visit my mother and spending time with my boys is just what I needed. I loved spending time with my family. Now my step-father on the other hand irked my soul. My mother wasn t always the best parent to live with which is the reason I lived with my grandmother. My mother at one time was a addict to not only drugs but alcohol. She met her husband right here in Kansas when was I was just thirteen years of age. He was just recently divorced from his wife and he was also a junkie and a drugRead MoreMy Life Of My Mother1475 Words   |  6 PagesLiteracy has always been close to my identity as a person. My mother wanted the best for her children, and therefore would sing and read to us as soon as we were born. She encouraged out love of words and books by taking us to the library for reading time and always seemed to fi nd the most amazing books for us to explore. My mother is very musically gifted, so songs were part of our daily routine. There are still little songs that pop into my head about daily tasks that she created to help usRead MoreMy Life : My Mother2230 Words   |  9 PagesMy Life I was born February 8th, 1998, in Lisbon, Portugal. I lived in a very pretty beach town my whole life called Ericeira. My mom, Maria, was born in Cuba, and she currently works as a translator for Neogen. Because she spoke in Spanish to us almost every day, me and my sister learned to understand and speak a little bit as well. My dad, Antonio, owns a dairy farm in Portugal and also fixes computers as a hobby. I have one little sister and two half sisters. My little sister’s name is PatriciaRead MoreMy Life with Mother917 Words   |  4 PagesMarcus Garvey Prologue: From the other side of this life my spirit chose to slip into my mother’s futile womb By the time my mother, Adele (Della) of Hispanic/Apache decent was 27 years of age she’d have nine full term pregnancies with four different donors. Her first child, my older brother, Ray died at two months, never leaving the hospital when she barely turned 16. Ray’s father (Spanish decent) was never involved. Mom got pregnant by my father (Native American) less than a year after Ray’s

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Interesting/ Valuable Quotes Lord of the Flies Free Essays

Interesting/ Valuable Quotes Page 39: â€Å"They suffered untold terrors in the dark and huddled together for comfort. † This sentence caught my concentration when reading chapter four. It shows that without people they know and love around they are satisfied with strangers. We will write a custom essay sample on Interesting/ Valuable Quotes Lord of the Flies or any similar topic only for you Order Now These are little kids who need their moms or someone they care about to keep them calm and help them feel safe. When they are trapped in an island full of strangers and terrified they are okay with huddling with each other. This is interesting because us as humans need each other to have comfort. Page 69: â€Å"Hasn’t anyone got any sense? We’ve got to relight the fire. You never thought of that, Jack did you? Or don’t any of you want to be rescued? † Ralph said this and this was when I knew these two were just going to split up into two groups. I found it interesting how Ralph wanted to keep that fire on to be rescued but the other thought there were things more important to do. The other cared too much about hunting and finding the beast when they should also be trying to be saved. Ralph knew without the smoke from the fire they couldn’t be rescued so I liked it when he would take a stand. This quote showed what Ralph cared about the most. Page 75: â€Å"’You’ll get back to where you came from. ’ Simon nodded as he spoke. † This showed what a faithful heart Simon has and how he believes so much that everything would be okay. Simon was always the one on Ralph’s side and just a good friend. I really liked how he comforted Ralph when Ralph lost hope. I think that Simon’s words helped Ralph to keep on trying to make the island civilized. This is something I would say because I am a very faithful person. Page 109: â€Å"We shall take fire from the others. Listen. Tomorrow we’ll hunt and get meat. Tonight I’ll go along with two hunters—Who’ll come? This is engaging because Jack is pretty much starting war. He is going completely crazy and wants to steal the other’s things. He could just go ask for the specs to make fire but he has to go and take them. I understand because he is an unintelligent savage with no common sense. This is when I started to just completely hate Jack and the other boys helping him. Page 122: â€Å"You’re a beast and a swine and a bloody bloody thief! ’ When Ralph said this I immediately got excited because I knew things were about to get juicy. He finally exploded and told Jack what he thought of jack. Jack did way too many awful things to Ralph and now Ralph is speaking up more than before. I imagine Ralph using the same tone that jack normally uses so he can get on Jack’s level. After this it was predictable that the fight would get crazy and Jack would try to kill Ralph. Reading Reflection Journal 08/08/12 Page 31: This book is very attention grabbing but it sure has me thinking a lot. One thing I still don’t comprehend is how they weren’t together if they all crashed in the same plane. I also don’t understand why they were attacked, it might have been during a war but the book doesn’t make it clear. The rest of the book was fairly easy to understand. I like it how they had the meeting in the beginning and chose a leader. One thing I feel is a challenge for them is that they are too young to handle the job of starting a life on an island. I wonder what the characters truly represent and how they will change. They can’t really follow rules and stay focused in order to do everything that needs to be done. If I were the main character, Ralph, I would put my foot down and act like a leader. He needs to take charge or else Jack will take over the job of bossing everyone around, which is what I think is happening at this point. I really don’t like the way they treat Piggy, it makes me sad to see someone who wants everything to be okay but no one ever listens to him. I can relate to Piggy because I as well try to speak my mind and show people what they are doing is incorrect but because of my age and appearance they think I am irrelevant. 08/10/12 Page: 63 Jack and his hunters are very unintelligent for the reason that they are way too focused on catching the pig. They should’ve had someone watching the fire when that ship passed by. I feel that Ralph wouldn’t be so mad at Jack if this were Jack’s first time screwing up. All of Jack’s disagreement with Ralph before this point made Ralph even madder. I just feel that soon the island will split up between Jack and his hunters and Ralph and the other. Jack is very bossy so he is also trying way too hard to be a higher authority than Ralph. I love the idea that this book gives of children trying to survive and it seems as if it’s just not going to work out very well. I also found very fascinating that Simon went into the woods alone to get away from chaos, which is something I would’ve done as well. I have now reached the part in the book where I just can’t stop reading. I am starting to like it more with all the action and drama happening. I like it how the children are now used to life in the island but that can also be a bad thing, they are too comfortable. Jack and his hunters made me mad especially since they were happy about the pig, even the other ware happy except for Ralph, Simon, and Piggy. I would’ve been disappointed in myself if I was Jack and not mad at Ralph for getting upset. Things in the island are getting crazy and out of control and I think that they just need to be a little more mature. Ralph did what I would do as well which is call them into a meeting and point out what they are all doing wrong. I think the rest should’ve listened and change their ways but I don’t they will. Jack finally did something right by comforting the littluns through telling them if there is a beast he will hunt it down. I don’t think this will keep them calm for long but at least it gives them some temporary happiness. It seems as if Jack, Simon and Piggy are the only ones who are trying to leave the island while the others are being foolish. 08/12/12 Page 84 The book is becoming clearer to me now and I realize that there is a war going on. I don’t understand why Ralph didn’t go see if the fire was on so the jets could spot it since he always freaks out about the fire. I hate it how Sam and Eric are slow enough to think a shadow is the monster, and how the other believes the same. I love that the Author added this parachute to scare them because it just makes it more interesting. Now if it was I who was encountering this shadow would be much more intelligent about it and see that it is just a shadow. I just detest it that they are over reacting and seeing things that are not there. The boys then did what I would’ve done by no which is look for the beast. When they were looking in the cave and walking around the island I appreciated how they had some fun and acted like kids. I think that even though they need to worry they are just kids and should have some fun. I wonder if there is a point between Jack’s ideas and Ralph’s idea because in my opinion that would be the best way for them to live in the island. Now that some of the boys went back to the shelter and some stayed looking for the beast in the dark I am terrified that something terrible can happen. I know the beast isn’t real but they can still get hurt; if I were there I would wait to hunt more the next day. /15/12 Page: 114 This book just keeps getting better and just pulling me in more and more. I don’t like it how childish Jack is being. I don’t think he should leave the boys just because there are rules. I think the ones who went with jack are stupid for leaving because I in my opinion it will harm their chances of being saved. I wondere d if there would be a kind of war between the two sides and I was right. They should not be worshiping Jack if he isn’t even treating them correctly. I liked the twist when Simon found the sow’s head when looking for the peaceful place he liked going to so he could to just relax. I loved when the head told him the beast was within them because I fully agree. They are scaring themselves and are doing horrific things with their inner beast. I really don’t understand how they didn’t recognize it was Simon coming out of the woods. It was wrong of them to beat Simon like that into his awful death. They shouldn’t have killed him because Simon would’ve stopped them from being frightened of the beast. It was a sad turn in the book because I could relate to Simon, being peaceful and peaceful. I was so happy to see Ralph was sad about Simon’s death because unfortunately no one else seemed to care. I just feel like the other boys are stupid for believing Jack’s story about the monster shaping himself into Simon. I hated the part when they attacked Ralph’s side because it was so sad and unpleasant to read. The boys are rude and have no common knowledge because obviously they could’ve asked for the glasses to make a fire. I wonder if they realize that the beast lies within them. 12/117/12 Page: 139 I loved the book’s ending even though it was very sad and unexpected. I was so sad when Piggy died because he was the only truly innocent person on the island and he was too miserable and humiliated before being killed. I thought Ralph would die in the end but I am really glad he did not. I loved Ralph’s character because he never went to the enemy’s side no matter how much he had to suffer, which I would do as well. This part of the book is very believable because it is like humans to do such horrific things to each other. This section made me think about what was going through the savage children’s minds. They must’ve been terrible human beings to make Ralph and the other go through such torture. I wish they would’ve all had been saved but I guess the book wouldn’t had been as interesting. I really do not like how the Officer treated them, he should’ve just been happy to find them. The things said at the end were just very interesting. This book had so many twists and turns and shows that maybe children shouldn’t be alone in an island without adults. Final response This book was just a great and enjoyable read and I truthfully liked it. I just loved how the characters all had different ideas of what they should be doing on the island or had different roles in the island. I liked that the book shows the war of savagery and civilization that can happen when a group of kids are stuck in a stranded island. It showed what chaos just children could make just by being stranded without adults to tell them what to do. It was a believable book even with the extreme things that happened. I didn’t like how they didn’t follow the rules from the beginning but I guess that is what made the fight between the two sides start. It truly upset me how careless Jack was about others and how he just wanted to be king and for everyone else to suffer. He treated Piggy and Ralph and everyone like trash and he is just not a moral person. When the ship passed by and the fire was out my hatred for Jack just grew even more. What I think was happening was that Jack just wanted to have too much fun. Ralph was a great and just person but Simon was the character who I liked the most. He did not really follow either side and was just to himself but I think that is why he died. If I were Simon I wouldn’t had gone into the woods alone. I liked the way the author sent the message to Simon from the lord of the flies and then got rid of Simon from the story. It was interesting that the book was not full of happiness and it was just very realistic. Stories aren’t always happy, even if kids are involved, and this book is a great example of that. I also really enjoyed his love for the peaceful place in the woods where he would go to just relax and be away from everyone. I also enjoy having time to myself to just enjoy the good things around me. One thing I loved about this book was the beast and the significance of the beast. At first I thought it might be just an animal trying to scare the kids and they are over reacting. I then realized it was real when I reached the part where it talked about the parachute. At last the sow’s head explained the meaning of it and it just caught my attention. The perception of the beast being in all of us really fascinated me. It is hard to admit but we do all have a scary and evil beast inside of us that makes us want and feel the need to do things we shouldn’t. I can absolutely relate to having that within me and it is somewhat terrifying to believe. The ending was fairly happy but still very out of the ordinary. I found it weird that the pilot cared so much about what the kids did in the island rather than just being happy to find them. The pilot shouldn’t be criticizing the kids for doing suck horrific things on the island if they are just kids. I would’ve been upset at the pilot if I was Ralph or one of the others. I hope that after being recued the boys were all right and everything was okay. Significant Language Devices in the Novel 1. â€Å"The passionate noise of agreement noise of agreement from the assembly hit him like a wave and he lost his thread. †(P. 24) -The language device in this sentence is a simile. -This simile shows that when Ralph said â€Å"We want to have fun. And we want to be rescued†(p. 24) that the others agreed and the noises of agreement sounded like a wave was coming towards Ralph. This makes the text seem like they all agreed and so they all made the same sound. 2. Strange things happened at midday. The glittering sea rose up, moved apart in planes of blatant impossibility; the coral reef and the few stunned palms that clung to the more elevated parts would float up into the sky, would quiver, be plucked apart, run like raindrops on a wire or be prepared as in an odd succession of mirrors†(P39) -This is an example of the use of Imagery. -This sel ection from the passage explains thoroughly what the weird things happening on the middle of the days looked like. It helps the reader create an image of these crazy images the boys see around the island. 3. A silver of moon rose over the horizon, hardly large enough to make a path of light even when it sat down on the water†(P64) -This uses personification. -With the use of irony the writer makes the moon seem like it has the human capability of sitting down on an object. It helps the reader understand that the moon is touching the horizon if the sea but it isn’t bright enough to make a path of light reflecting on the water that reaches the island. 4. â€Å"Ralph came to the surface and squirted a jet of water at him†(P99) -This is a metaphor. -It compares the amount of water Ralph squirted to a jet of water, which means he squirted a lot. This helps the reader understand that Ralph did not just squirt a small amount of water. 5. â€Å"Then the sea breathed again in a long, slow sigh, the water boiled white and pink over the rock; and when it went, sucking back again, the body of piggy was gone†(P124) -This sentence has the use of personification. -By stating that the sea took a deep breath it indicates to the reader that the sound of the sea and the slow motion of it is like the breath of a human. It gets the reader thinking of how the wave slowly came and slowing â€Å"breathed in† Piggy’s body. How to cite Interesting/ Valuable Quotes Lord of the Flies, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Contemporary Development

Questions: 1: Discuss the external environmental factors and PESTEL analysis of boots.2: Desribe about ethics and corporate social responsibility. Answers: Introduction Boots is a United Kingdom based pharmacy company. It has a chain of stores across Ireland and United Kingdom that sells products of health care and beauty and provides hearing care and optician service for its customers. The company was founded in 1849 in Nothingham, United Kingdom by John Boot. It has a long history of changing ownership. The company was sold to an American company in 1920 but later again sold back to British owner, the grandson of the founder, who renamed the company in 1971 as The Boots Company Limited. It then started its own research and development unit and found out several important medicines. It also diversified its business into several other products like, health care and optical. The report studies the external business environment factors that affect the companys business and examines the responses and positions of the organization. It gives the overview of the manner in which the external environmental factor affects the business or organization and explains the importance of the factors to the organization. Later, the paper discusses the business ethics of Boots and the corporate social responsibility of the company. It studies whether the CSR and business ethics has an influence on the policies and decision making of the organization. Further, the paper critically evaluates the effectiveness of the companys responses towards the CSR activities and business ethics. The report is divided into sections. In the first section all the environmental factor that affects the business are discussed and the responses of the company boots is analysed and then in the second part corporate social responsibility and business ethics of the Boots are discussed. Further, the effectiveness of the companys responses are evaluated External environmental factors and PESTEL Analysis of Boots The Boots Limited is a multinational company in the pharmaceutical industry with reputed goodwill and customer recognition. It has outlets in nearly 20 countries and annual revenue is more than 22.5 billion pound annually. The company has merged with Alliance Unichem and Walgreens in 2006 and became more aggressive in global business. The aim of the company is to provide full assistance to customer in terms of health care by providing pharmacy, health care and beauty products and optician services. It has its own research and development units and believes in innovating new products for the betterment of the consumers. Some of the known products that were innovated by the company are Botanics 17, Altiva, Almus, Soltan and others (Seok et al. 2012)[1]. The external environmental factors are important for any organization for doing business successfully in the global economy. The factors that affect the business are political, economical, social, technological, environmental and legal factors. The political factors that affect the business refer to political condition of the country and the world. Some of the political factors are policies of the government that has an impact on the growth, prospects and new availability of opportunities for the business. The taxes and tariff set by the government for the business of the country such as sales tax, custom duties, property tax and other corporate taxes effects the earnings of the business (Wetherly and Otter 2014)[2]. Further a stable government always attract the investors to invest in the country and bring more business opportunities and growth. Moreover, the entry and exit policies and regulation of the government for the foreign investors in the country affects the decision of the corporate sector to start the business in the country or not. The economic factors that affect the business refers to the factors that affects the growth of the economy and decides the future of the economy. It indicates the factor that has an impact on the major indicators of an economy, If the indicators does not reflect healthy economy then the business companies will be reluctant to invest in the country. Some of the economic factors that affect the business and decision of the organization to invest in the country or not are the interest rate of the country, the prevailing inflation rate, the rate of unemployment, the consumers demand and the availability of disposable income with them, the accessibility of credits, the foreign exchange rates, the fiscal and the monetary policies of the country (Wild, Wild and Han 2014)[3]. The inflation rate and the interest rate affects the organization cost of production and their earnings, so higher is the rate, lower is the earning as cost of production increases. If the disposable income is high then consumer will demand more and higher demand in the market will lead higher sale for the organization and will be profitable for them to invest in the market. The business is not possible without the credit availability from the financial institutions. The easier the availability of finance the more the company will be inclined to invest in the country (Tsavdaridou and Metaxas 2015)[4]. The unemployment rate is high means the availability of labours are easier and cheaper which will lower the cost of production and again the company will be beneficial by investing in the market. Further, the foreign exchange rate reflects the value of the currency. Lower the rate, stronger is the currency and higher is the rate weaker is the currency. A foreign company will always exam ine the stability of the currency value before investing in the country as it affects the stability of their earnings. Lastly, the fiscal and monetary policy controls and direct the movement of the economical variables and pave path for future development of the country, hence it is equally important for the growth of the organization. The social factors that affect the organization growth are cultural background of the people residing in the country, the gender and other related demographics, the lifestyle of the people, the educational levels and literacy among the people, the distribution of wealth and the domestic structure of the society. The consumer demand is affected by their cultural background, lifestyle, wealth, gender and literacy levels. Different country will have different sets of social factors and hence different types of preferences for the products (Yu and Ramanathan 2012)[5]. A multinational company has to study the social factor of the country thoroughly before entering the market as it is one of the main reasons which affects their sale in case of many corporate firms The technological factor helps to keep the organization updated and the factors that affect their business are any new discoveries, rate of technological advancement, technological obsolescence and the availability of the platform for innovative technology (Srensen 2012)[6].In todays competitive world, without technology, a successful business is not possible and so any change or the current status of technological adoption of the country affects the efficiency and growth of the organization. The legal environmental factors refer to the legal rules and regulation that the organization need to follow to do business in the country. Any violation of rules may lead to unfavourable legal consequences for the organization (Sena et al. 2012)[7]. Some of the areas of legal regulation that the company needs to follow are in respect of product developments, employment of the staff and the regulation related to it, patent regulations, health and safety regulation for the employees and competitive regulation. The organization has to be compliance their corporate policies with the legal regulations otherwise they may face consequences that may affect the companys growth and development in future. The environmental factors of a country that affects the business are the climate and weather of the country, their geographical location, the laws for the waste disposal, the attitude of the people towards the environment and the regulation for energy consumption. The climate and geographical location affects the well being of the organization in terms of cost product development decisions and others (Siewiorek et al. 2012)[8]. Energy consumption is one of the major costs of any organization, if the laws are not favourable to the company, then it affects their production and cost. Further peoples attitude towards environment brings sustainability of the environment. Higher is the sustainability, better is the profit and cost structure of the company. As Boots is a United Kingdom based company, the policies of its government affect the business prospects of the company. One of the political factors that has made the company open various outlet of pharmacy in the country is the conducive business policy of the UK government towards the some major supermarkets and stores. The government has encouraged the opening of major supermarkets and stores to enhance the National Health Service and develop better health care system in the country (Park and Chon 2015)[9]. The policy has helped the company to start various stores and expand its business in the country The global recession is one of the economic factor that has affected the health care industry deeply and many business including Boots Limited has faced the set back in companys growth and development. The prices of health care products had globally increased and have affected the spending of the consumer, leading to the fall in profit of the company. Further, the rise in the fuel price was another economic factor that has increased the cost of managing supply chain channel of the company. The higher costs lead to increase in prices and increase the burden for the consumer The social factor has affected the sales of the company. In United Kingdom, the government has started campaigns for the citizens to create awareness about good health, good eating habits due to rising problem of obesity. The awareness programs has made the people realize the importance of being healthy and boosted the sales of the company, boots (Mellahi and Frynas 2015)[10]. The company started attracting customers by selling healthier products at a lower price than its competitors and hence it helped the company to increase the sales and profit. The technological factor that has helped the company to boost its sale in the country is the evolution of internet in the form of online retail sales. Boots have used the facility of online sales and taken full advantage of this opportunity. It targeted to generate one-third of income from online sales of its product and services. The environmental factors of United Kingdom have also affected the companys business in the sense that United Kingdom and many other countries are making themselves committed to green energy due to increasing problem of global warming. The company also had to adopt the green practices according to the rules and regulation of the country and had to make more investment on green and healthy products, for example, investing inorganic products and reducing the affect of carbon footprints on the environment (Kim, Kang and Mattila 2012)[11]. The legal environmental factors of United Kingdom have also affected the companys growth and development. The government of United Kingdom keeps taking out new laws about the health care products and so Boots need to change their products labelling and packaging according to the laws that increases the cost of sale for the company. However, change in legal laws for the packaging and labelling of the products has to be followed by the company to avoid any unfavourable legal consequences which may lead to huge long run loses Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility In this part of the paper the ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of the company boots is discussed. In other words, CSR activity refers to the practices of the business that benefits the society. It refers to the initiative taken by the corporate to benefit the society by their business activities. The CSR activities are carried out in different ways. It can be by volunteering for doing good deeds without any expectation of returns. It can be also by following ethical labour practices especially in countries where the labour laws are different from domestic countries. CSR activity can be also to improve the environment by using products that reduce the carbon footprints. Lastly, CSR activity can be done by providing donation to local and national charities and several businesses does this as they do have several resources that may benefit the charitable organization. Corporate Social Responsibility has become one of the major concerns of the organization as through this the firm can succeed and win the heart of the people. It has been linked to sustainability and every organization today tries to attain sustainability by adopting some green practices and having a transparent system which has a positive impact on the society and it brings well being to the environment. CSR activities have become more important today due to the increasing awareness of the consumer regarding the well being of the environment. Todays consumer prefers to buy those goods that help in maintaining sustainability of the environment. The CSR activities have become more important after the increase of the awareness of the consumer for having a healthy environment (Lim and Yang 2016)[12]. Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility of Boots Boots is a healthcare company of United Kingdom and is associated with the welfare of the people so being healthcare to be its prime area of activity and being a people oriented business, the CSR is its integral part of the company which changes the manner it works at different levels of the company. The main aim of the company is to ensure that the business practices are economically, socially and environmentally sustainable. The mission of Boots Company is to become most efficient, flexible and responsive healthcare solutions company in United Kingdom with providing the best services and logistics to the consumers (Lee, Park and Lee 2013)[13]. Its desires to give the best healthcare services to the patients and believes in dedication, innovation and trustworthy services. The Corporate Social Responsibility mission of the company is to be the worlds best beauty and health care retailer store and to make everyone feel good. It CSR purpose was to become the most socially responsible health care retailer store. It believes in protecting the environment, giving better and improves services to the customer and the society. It produces sustainable products and tries to develop them further in their laboratory The company Boots Limited has used CSR in four areas. They are in the market, communities, people and environment .In the market, the company wanted to imply CSR activity by making its mission as CSR oriented which says, to do a fair business with integrity. The aim of the company is to be lead the cause related marketing through which they desire to expand health care by entering into partnership with charities and other business activities. They have made Health care as their brand and essence of the company. Another area of CSR that they concentrated and reflected through the business decision is the communities for whom they feel responsible. They wanted to be a responsible neighbour and always went beyond their stores to help the people sustain good health. They aim to be leaders by working with charities and requesting expertise to give some of their valuable time to provide service for charity. They wanted to go beyond the sale of products and service and so started working with charity (Kim, Suresh and Kocabasoglu 2013)[14]. The company Boots Limited desired believed in treating people with respect and dignity. They considered another area of CSR as the people whom they can change or influence to sustain environment and develop the people by treating the women of the society with dignity and helping them to be financially independent by providing them job and today around 80% of the employees in the company are female (Granger and Schroeder 2013)[15]. The companys next area of CSR activity is to protect the future generation by selling quality and genuine products so that the customer generate trust on the company and believes them for any change of new products. They made their production system safe by ensuring the safe use of chemical in their raw materials and products. Hence, the CSR activities have affected the policies and company decision making in areas of market place, where it the company adopted actions like customer satisfaction, suppliers verification, cause-related marketing, ethical investment and corporate governance. In area of communities, the actions were charitable giving, employee fundraising, community healthcare, education and employee volunteering. In areas of environment the companys actions were with respect to transport, energy biodiversity, waste and recycling, chemicals and sustainable products. In regard to our people, the actions were towards employee forum, diversity, health and safety, training and development and women in the workplace (Fryzel and Seppala 2016)[16]. Evaluation of Effectiveness of CSR in Boots In order to assess the CSR activity of the company, it took out measures to evaluate its own CSR activities through collection of data from the relevant respondents and then evaluating them to understand the success or failure of their activities. The company has adopted action plan for five years on several CSR issues and target several goals to reach within the stipulated time period. To ensure successful implementation of the CSR activities, the company had appointed executive personnel at every stage of the programs and at for individual issues of CSR. The issue owners were had specific goals and they were made accountable for achieving that goals. Boots also had subjected itself to prosecution if the goals of CSR issues were not attained and if the standards of conduct were not met (Gupta 2013)[17]. The company tried to maintain compliance with the Global Reporting Initiative Guidelines (GRI) to meet CSR requirements. They believed in raising the CSR bars further and bring transparency and disclosure in the activities. To assess their own report and activities they collected data from the reliable sources such as employees, government, shareholders, media, academics, customers, local communities, suppliers, non-governmental organizations and socially responsible investment. The assurance of the data was given by the internal audit team of the company which was again verified by external audit team, KPMG. The company had maintained dialogues and relations with the stakeholders to understand the success o failure of the CSR related activities. They appointed CSR issue owners for each issues who were responsible to maintaining good relation with the stakeholders and ensures that their views and concerns are noticed and taken good care off. They believed in listening to their stakeholders and take learning from them, In case of difference in opinion they try to find a common solution which is acceptable to both and that minimises the conflicts (Ebert et al. 2014)[18]. The company has further added the local communities as new stakeholders as they also gets affected by the companys business and CSR activities. The main aim is to build healthy and happy communities and recognising their responsibilities towards the stakeholders and serving them better in the future (Cho 2016)[19]. The company has also launched a website for their CSR activities that helped them to maintain transparency in their activities and build effective communication with the stakeholders so that their feedbacks can be taken on issues and it can be resolved with immediate action . The products produced by the company always took care sustainability. They were of higher safety standards and served better quality. The product goes through robust checking of quality and product development and the company has ensured that the product serves best to the customers (Chen and Hung 2014)[20]. The sustainability actions were taken in the product development process so that the environment does not get affected and also assessing the suppliers of material through robust checking of standards so that they also maintain quality and follow sustainability measures Boots Limited, believed in building their relationship with the customers, partners, suppliers and other shareholders on the basis of trust. They believe in to be true to their stakeholders for deepening their relationship with them and on the strength of the relationship, the success of the company depends. The company innovated new products to capture the market by understanding the timely requirement of the market. The cause related marketing was highly successful as it not only helped the company to meet its goal but also to win the heart of the people by fallowing CSR activities. It was a perfect strategic plan that met the objectives, engaged the customers, promoted the health care products and involved employee priorities (Cavusgil et al. 2014). The company not only followed ethical rules and CSR activities but also tried to influence and train other companies to do the same. In this respect, the company has conducted training classes and shared their success plans with the peer groups so that they can also think in terms of CSR and mould their objectives to achieve CSR influenced goals and profit (Campbell 2016). Boots Limited ha takes out its own operating and financial reviews. To create awareness and knowledge about carbon management which is the most harmful material for damaging the environment, the company has conducted seminars and did personalised briefing to the peer groups and also consumers so that they get aware of it and start practicing it in their firm Boots Limited created awareness about several chronic diseases like breast cancer which was on hike in United Kingdom. It had made a huge project named as 41000 Faces which aimed at creating the awareness of the disease and precautionary measures that should be taken to avoid the disease. It started a partnership with the Cancer Research UK and raised a good amount of fund through integrated and successful campaign for raising awareness among the people (Cai and Yang 2014)[21] The company started the concept of ethical shopping and made the people understand that Boots product are produced by keeping in mind human rights and welfare of the consumers. The companys method of assessing their suppliers is the unique way of spreading the knowledge about the product quality and sustainable practices. They follow a distinctive process (Botha Kourie and Snyman 2014)[22]. They judge the suppliers on the companys own ethical code of conduct which is based on Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) code that aims to support the laws of labour rights for the workers that produce goods in the market. The ethical code also includes the environmental checking based on the attainment of the necessary criteria and further the company has its own team for conducting the assessment check on the suppliers. Boots Limited has taken care of the disabled consumers and made special arrangement in their stores for such consumers so that even they can enjoy shopping around with assistance from trained staff who underwent special training for handling and meeting the needs of different types of disable consumers. The company is perfect in maintaining the corporate governance polices that their standard does not fall and they keep transparency in their activities for effective communication. However, the company do face certain challenges in meeting the requirements of CSR activities but they have been successful in managing the risk (Bondy Moon and Matten 2012)[23]. Conclusion The report discusses the external environmental factors that affect an organization growth and development process. It studies the Boots Pharmacy Company and the impact on its business due to the external environmental factors of United Kingdom. The external factors that are discussed are political, economical, social, technological, environmental and legal factors. In the later part of the report, the ethical and corporate social responsibility activities of Boots Limited are studied and analysed. The evaluation process and assessment of the CSR activities are studied. Boots Limited has followed CSR activities effectively and has moulded its goals and objectively through the attainment of CSR activities. However, few suggestions can be given in terms of getting more prompt in understanding the updated and current deteriorating situations of environment and make more robust plan for sustainable development. The global warming and depletion of natural resources are some of the serious issues that need to be taken care of by the company. 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