Thursday, May 21, 2020

Analysis Of The Book Lord Of The Flies - 1944 Words

Merridew and McCarthy Similarities†¦ Coincidence? In the novel Lord of the Flies, Jack Merridew has a thirst for control and power. Joseph McCarthy had a similar ambition during the Cold War. He had a series of unsuccessful careers until he was elected to the Wisconsin Senate seat. There, he had an interesting first term. He soon discovered the possibility of exploiting the fear in Americans to become a dominant figure in politics. Merridew took an almost identical route. In the novel, he was not elected the be the plane crashed boys’ leader. He soon discovered that he could take advantage of the fear in the boys regarding the beast. Joseph McCarthy and Jack Merridew sustained their power as leaders by amplifying fear in people thought their communities to create a mob mentality. Joseph Raymond McCarthy was born on November 14, 1908. Born in Grand Chute, Wisconsin, he naturally wished to attend Marquette University (Bartlett). There he graduated in 1935 with a degree from law school. He soon attempted a career in law (Oh and Latham). His attempt did not prevail. He soon had a need for money and resorted to gambling. When he developed a yearning for a career in politics, he was a Democrat. He was again unsuccessful and veered over to the Republican side. He was first elected to be a circuit judge in 1939. For McCarthy, this was not enough. He quit his job as a judge and went to the United States Marines. He foresaw that if he had a career in the military then he would have anShow MoreRelatedLord Of The Flies Book Analysis744 Words   |  3 PagesLord of the Flies by William Golding, is an allegorical novel about a group of british boys who become stranded on an uninhabited island, while on this island they make a disastrous attempt to manage themselves. They are stranded with no adult supervision, and no way to contact their families for rescue. As the story progresses, a few characters start to deteriorate. One in particular is Jack Merridew. He caused the group of boys to lose their civility and they started to do things they never wouldveRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Lord Of The Flies 1103 Words   |  5 Pagesdesires†. In Lord of the Flies and â€Å"Harrison Bergeron† the reader is able to see the consistent theme of what humans will do to maintain equality or take power from each other or in other words the act of dehumanization. Through vivid dialogue and detail Vonnegt and Golding convey to the readers what humans will do to maintain equality or take power from one another. Although Harrison does traject the central theme of â€Å"Harrison Bergeron†, Jack better conveys the paramount theme of Lord of the Flies throughRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Lord Of The Flies 943 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"Lord Nath aniel, your cousins have arrived, and seek entrance.. Shall I see them brought up to you?† a page announced as he himself was let into Nathaniel’s solar. â€Å"Just my cousins? Where are Elyssa and Dake?† Nathaniel asked as he rose. â€Å"I know not m’lord,† the page answered nervously. Nathaniel simply nodded, prompting the page to retrieve the Hand’s guests. They did not keep him waiting for long. It was but minutes later when the another knock came to the door, and they entered. â€Å"Lord Hand,† SharraRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Lord Of The Flies Essay2032 Words   |  9 Pagesexplored in William Golding s novel, Lord of the Flies. In this story, a group of British boys have been stranded on an island, and in the time they spend on it, they create their own civilization, just as early humans did. At first, the children s little tribe is relatively well ordered--during this time they are able to construct shelters and ignite a signal fire. 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